President Bouche Mickey presented a very special award to Cynthia King. He said, "I have the pleasure of presenting a very special award to a friend and someone who I truly respect for her desire to serve this community and for her commitment to the motto of 'Service Above Self'."
President Bouche Mickey presented a very special award to Cynthia King. He said, "I have the pleasure of presenting a very special award to a friend and someone who I truly respect for her desire to serve this community and for her commitment to the motto of 'Service Above Self'. I cannot possibly think about the events this club participates in without this person's name coming up - time and time again." Mickey continued, "She has served this club in so many ways this year alone. She is a board member, was heavily involved in Shrimpfest, served as Co-Chair of Santa's Exchange, involved with Veterans Day and the list goes on. I asked her to serve on the board with one job in mind, BE MY MENTOR." In 2000, Past President Steve Smelley actually started what is known as the Sugar Land Rotary Hall of Fame. Throughout the club's history only six members of our club have been awarded this great honor. The current members of the Sugar Land Rotary Hall of Fame are: Past District Governor Steve Harris, Past District Governor Jeff Tallas, Bob Bilski, Marshall Whichard, Steve Smelley and Charlie Meyer. Now the seventh Sugar Land Rotarian has been added to this distinguish list of leaders - Cynthia King. Cynthia and her husband, David, have relocated to Kansas City, Kansas, to help care for Cynthia's parents.